‘Introduction to Online Workshop Participation’ held Successfully

On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, a workshop was conducted by Reflective Teens’ non-executive chair Ms. Eeshita Azad, a fellow at Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy, United Kingdom, and Mentor of Middlesex University. The title of the workshop was ‘Introduction to Online Workshop Participation’.

All the executive body members were present along with three campus ambassadors. The main intention behind this workshop was to guide everyone on how to present themselves when they are attending a virtual meeting. The session began with an ice-breaking game that made everyone a bit relaxed and more interactive. Then, Ms. Eeshita Azad shared useful tricks and tips that will help us improve our etiquette in virtual meetings. She pointed out some problems that we might face during our online sessions and provided us with the solutions to those problems. The workshop was concluded with another ice-breaking game that opened up conversations and provided the participants with good fun.

The workshop was immensely informative and beneficial. Everyone learned a lot and had lots of fun throughout it. Sayeda Fatema Azmi, the board secretary of Reflective Teens,  stated that “The session today was very informative and engaging. It not only brought everyone into the discussion but also had various topics being discussed. I took a lot back from this workshop about how to be polite but also active in a virtual meeting. Overall, a great workshop!”